Some of the components to be constructed are:
- New inlet chamber, screens, grit removal channels, and distribution chamber
- Completion of Anaerobic Pond No. 3
- New Trickling Filter Pumping Station
- Four New Trickling Filters
- Completion of Settling Channel No. 2
- Two New Sludge Holding Ponds
- New Sludge Drying Beds at the Existing Waste Water Treatment Plant
- New Sludge Drying Beds at Buriej Waste Water Treatment Plant Site
- New piping works between the existing and new treatment units including Valve Chambers
- By-Pass at the Effluent Pumping Station to allow a direct discharge to the sea
- Upgrading the Existing Power Supply
- Pump Station wet/dry substructure, including screen chamber
- Surge protection
- Pump Station superstructure and switchgear room
- Standby Generator Building and Fuel Tank
- Inlet manhole
- Diversion Sewer
- Connection to existing pressure pipeline
- Service Building
Gaza Central Waste Water Treatment Plant- Contract 2: Civil Works
Supervisor -
Dorsh consultants
Region -
Gaza - AlSheikh Ejleen
Value -
5,150,000.00 (USD)